Miriam Kerins Hussey

Miriam is a qualified pharmacist with huge passion for holistic health and wellbeing. As a qualified Integrative Health and wellness coach, Yoga and meditation facilitator among many other trainings & qualifications, Miriam devotes her life to focusing on the Mind – Body connection and Lifestyle as Medicine.

She is involved in the design and delivery of many executive, corporate and personal wellness retreats, seminars and programmes. She is the co-founder of Soul Space, an international movement of Mind, Body, Soul events & Programs and is a leading international key note speaker in the Human health, Wellness and Performance space. Miriam is regularly featured in national and international TV, Radio and Print Media.

Miriam believes that it is the integration of cognitive, emotional, physical, nutritional, mental and spiritual health that leads to true health, vitality and wellness.

Her collective qualifications and expertise in both pharmaceutical and complimentary health therapies give her a unique and integrated approach to human health and wellness.

Miriam has been awarded The Business All Star award for ‘Thought Leader in Human Health and Performance’ and is unrivalled in the Health and Wellness space for her knowledge, wisdom and experience as well as her authenticity, honesty and passion for her work.